Monday, August 5, 2013

Mean Raccoon

   Raccoons...what do you think about them? Have you had a close encounter with one? Would you stand and fight Mr. Raccoon?
   You may wonder why I ask, well....about a year back I was putting my trash into our condos dumpster, and as I was throwing it over I noticed a raccoon in there sitting on the trash that was already inside. Out of curiosity or stupidity, I haven't decided yet, I took a closer look. He was positioned sitting kind of on his tail with his bottom feet out and scratching like a man would with his 2 hands, I laughed at him and went on my way. I did however let all my neighbors know he/she was in there.
   Fast forward to now. This raccoon must think this dumpster belongs to HIM. They have changed the dumpster over the year, this new one only having side sliding doors where the old one a bit smaller had an open top. Raccoon seems to think we don't belong coming there anymore apparently, unless his butt has gotten trapped inside with the doors closed, which mind you is funny as all get out when you here him running around freaking out inside. You tend to try and weigh is it funnier to listen to him freak out or do you want to have to run for your life when you slide the door open to let him out.
   Mr. Raccoon has chased off a few people and he is relentless from what I hear, not just scaring the pants off of you but literally chasing you up the street hissing and making other weird noises. Why is all this necessary from Mean Mr. Raccoon...doesn't he realize we are the ones feeding him and freeing him from his dumpster prison when he gets locked in? Just something that was on my mind and had me chuckling this evening so I thought I would share....enjoy!

Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm guilty too

  Just felt the need to get this off my chest and I'm not saying it to offend anyone or hurt any one's feelings as I'm guilty off these things myself.
  Ever told anyone "every thing's going to work out", "it's going to get better", "I totally understand" and maybe "just pray about it"? We all have. I know I have. Lately I hear these things a lot from people because of the situation I'm in and not to be rude but these comments all thou comforting at the moment really don't seem to help.

  Right now I have ZERO money coming into my home and everything I mean everything is falling apart from keeping things on or keeping them in general all the way to my health, which caused this issue. Hearing "I totally understand, I'm broke too" seriously doesn't help. Why you ask? Well if you have a check coming in to your house any money at all you are way ahead of me. Not being able to go out on the town, buy a new outfit or get your nails done to me isn't broke. Broke is the bank calling EVERYDAY for the mortgage and telling you how close you are to foreclosure and the car loan company calling and you knowing one morning you might wake up and the car is missing from your inability to pay the bill, or your water or power being shut off, to me that's broke. Again, I too am guilty of saying these same things to people also.

  I guess from this point forward I will watch very closely what I say to others especially when it is a financial situation because for me that by far is the hardest to hear comments about. I will definitely be more considerate of throwing the phrase "I'm broke too" around also as I might be better off then the next man because at least for right this minute I still have a roof over my head.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

MTV's Teen Mom, really?

     Yup, I'm guilty of watching it too. At first when the show first aired I have to say I enjoyed it, I thought it was really giving a glimpse into teen parenting. After all I became a mom at 18 so I felt like I was kind of watching the things I went through. I can't say exactly when I noticed that things seemed to be off, but when I did I became discussed with the show. There was still a while where I even continued to watch, why I don't know. MTV has done a fabulous job of making a joke out of teen mothers, in my opinion.
     Everyone has an opinion I'm sure and mine might a bit on the strong side. As a teen mom I was broke and of course started out living at home like they did on the show. The problems for me started when there were boob jobs and such, no teen can afford to just go out and augment their breasts. How were they affording the apartments and things they were renting on a small part-time job and or no job at doesn't happen. Nice new clothes every time you watched to new hair-dos and even tans, really?! I could hardly afford diapers.
     As the seasons rolled on is when we find out the they are getting paid by MTV, well that explains it. I thought the main objective was to try and stop teen motherhood not make girls run out and get pregnant to be on a show. Teen Mom made it look to easy and fun and then as girls heard about the money being paid to these girls...BINGO, there in lies a new problem. They need to find a new way to show this in truth not in a fantasy world. Show some true teen mothers struggling everyday to make things work so todays youth sees truly how hard it is.
     As I said when I started, this is just my opinion and I'm not trying to hurt or offend anyone. MTV stop making a joke out of teen motherhood, because for the girls doing it without your money it's an extremely hard job.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Broke as a joke!

I've always been a worker so when I was injured to the point where I no longer can back in Nov. 2010 it really started to bother me. Work has always defined for me who I am and made sure I could pay my bills and raise my son. Well that's all over now. I've never been this broke before, broke to the point where I'm becoming worried about how we'll eat. I had to file for SSD and the determination has still not came in and my Workmen's Comp. stopped awhile ago which leaves me living off of the little bit of savings I had which is now down to maybe $100, how is anyone suppose to live and pay their monthly bills on $100. I don't ever remember having to struggle like this and it makes me question so many things. They say God never gives us anything we can't handle, but I'm starting to wonder. I so wished I just would have called out of work that day and I wouldn't be in this scary position now.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My baby is not longer a baby :(

Wow am I feeling old! I'm going to be the mother of an 18 year old come tomorrow. Where did all the time go? I look at baby pictures and wow has he grown and fast, it almost feels as if it was overnight. It feels so weird to think of him as a "legal" adult when I can still remember holding a little newborn baby. Well so for me what's next? Is this what empty nesting feels like even thou he isn't going anywhere anytime soon, I hope not it really sucks. I miss my baby.

My sweet baby!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Suspension...Punishment or Vacation

Ummm, why if a child in school is acting out are they quick to suspend? Out of school suspension is not punishment it is vacation...HELLO! Just what does the school think these kids are doing home all day especially if they have working parents? I would really like to know. See my son doesn't get a vacation because I'm home right now, he gets Boot Camp, but what about the parents that work. I guess maybe some would be willing and can afford to take off from work and sit home and babysit their unruly children and make the day unfun, but this is not my point and probably not the norm. The point I'm trying to make is parents have to work, so how is this working for us? It isn't! These school delinquent's, smart mouths, class clowns and what have you are home sleeping in, watching TV, playing on the computer, the X-Box, PS3 or whatever but they sure aren't punished. Tax dollars at work...just sayin!  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Klepto Dog

I was just reminded of this funny story about my Mini Schnauzer named Frankie today, actually he reminded me. It happened awhile ago but I'll never forget it.
My son has always had a really bad habit of leaving everything out everywhere, it doesn't matter what it is. There have been times I've had to replace things because he'd end up losing them from leaving who knows where. Well....enter Frankie, given that he is a dog, I would assume if you toss something there is a good possibility that he might retrieve it. Frankie had never taken anything that wasn't his even if it was something my son had tossed down onto the floor. Well I guess that day finally came when the thrill of fetch just became to much for him and he just decided he didn't care whose belongs it was he was going to fetch and take it. We had no idea Frankie had taken any of my sons things at the time, actually he had gotten away with it all night. So the next morning when we were getting ready, thank goodness it was not a school day, my son realized he couldn't find his cell phone. Well color me surprised! He shouldn't be shocked, it wasn't like he took care of it or placed it in its proper place. So the search began...of course he has me looking too as if I misplaced it. We looked everywhere, under the furniture, under his bed, in the bathroom, in the couch, on the top of the couch, in the basket on the table, we even looked in my room, all this while Frankie sat in his crate watching us go back and forth almost as if he were laughing at us. Finally I had enough and it dawned on me, "hello, call his phone from my phone...duh!" so that's what I did.
OMG!! You will never guess where the ringing was coming from...YES! It was coming from Frankie's crate. Now as we turned to look at him he turned away as not to look at us, I couldn't help but to laugh, my son wasn't laughing, but I was after all it was his own fault. As I reached in to take it  away from him he gave me this look like it belonged to him now, so I couldn't resist but to say to him "what Frank, you needed to make a call or something?", now my son was laughing.
I will never forget this because every time Frankie comes slinking into my room I always look to see where my phone is and then again when he leaves I check again one more time.